I have found her. The one who satisfies my soul.

Grow as we go

From the first few months of knowing you, I knew you were special. It wasn’t love at first sight, but instead, a love that gradually grew with each day of knowing you. It was a natural growth of friendship and support that turned into what I couldn’t hide anymore… Love

And while we have known one another for a year and a half, I can’t help but believe I have somehow known you all my life. I truly believe my soul knew you before I did and that’s why the growth of our relationship was so natural and seamless. 

No woman has ever made me feel the way I do with you and I have only felt this kind of unconditional love for two other people in my life, my children. 

You love me. While I have known different types of love, the type of love you show me melts me every single moment I’m with you. The care that you show and the genuine respect you have for me fills my heart so full that sometimes I just stare at you and wonder what I did to deserve it. While I may never understand how someone like you could love someone like me, I will spend the rest of my days thanking God for your presence in my life. You are a treasure and I will keep you safe in my heart for as long as you will let me. 

Bethany, I want to live the rest of my days knowing this type of love. I want to wake up every day for the rest of my life knowing I get another day with you. I want to go to sleep every day for the rest of my life, thanking God for the gift he has given me, in you. While I’m ready to spend my life with you, for now, what is appropriate in this moment is for me to ask you to officially take my hand. I would be honored to introduce you as my girl. 

Will you officially take my hand and allow me to introduce you as my girl?